How to create dynamic objects in C#

In the world of C# programming, the concept of dynamic objects brings forth a paradigm shift, offering flexibility and versatility in handling data structures. While C# is known for its statically typed nature, dynamic objects introduce a dynamic typing capability, enabling developers to work with objects whose structure is determined at runtime. This blog will delve into the intricacies of C# dynamic objects, exploring their usage, advantages, and best practices.

Understanding Dynamic Objects

In C#, dynamic objects provide a way to bypass compile-time type checking and access members of an object dynamically at runtime. Unlike statically typed objects, where the compiler enforces type safety, dynamic objects defer type resolution until runtime, allowing for more flexible code.

Creating Dynamic Objects

Creating a dynamic object in C# is straightforward. You can declare a variable as dynamic and assign any type of object to it. For example:

csharpCopy codedynamic dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject();
dynamicObject.Name = "John";
dynamicObject.Age = 25;

In this example, dynamicObject is of type dynamic, and properties like Name and Age can be added to it dynamically at runtime.

Accessing Members Dynamically: One of the key features of dynamic objects is the ability to access members dynamically, without compile-time checking. This means you can access properties and methods that may not be known until runtime. For instance:

csharpCopy codeConsole.WriteLine(dynamicObject.Name);

This code accesses the Name property of the dynamic object dynamicObject without any compile-time validation.

Dynamic vs. Static Typing

While dynamic typing offers flexibility, it comes at a cost. Unlike static typing, where type errors are caught at compile time, dynamic typing defers type checking until runtime. This can lead to runtime errors if the accessed members do not exist or if the operations are not supported.

Advantages of Dynamic Objects


Dynamic objects enable working with data structures whose types are determined at runtime, providing flexibility in handling various scenarios.


Dynamic objects facilitate interoperability with dynamic languages such as JavaScript and Python, simplifying integration tasks.

Rapid Prototyping

Dynamic typing accelerates prototyping by allowing developers to iterate quickly without worrying about strict type definitions.


Dynamic objects complement reflection by providing a more concise syntax for accessing members dynamically.

Best Practices

While dynamic objects offer flexibility, they should be used judiciously. Here are some best practices:

Limited Use

Prefer static typing whenever possible. Reserve dynamic typing for scenarios where flexibility is paramount.


Document dynamic objects thoroughly to provide insights into their structure and usage.

Error Handling

Implement robust error handling mechanisms to handle runtime errors gracefully.

Performance Consideration

Be mindful of performance implications when using dynamic objects, as they may incur overhead compared to statically typed objects.

Alternatives to Dynamic keywords

While dynamic provides flexibility in certain scenarios, it’s important to understand alternatives that offer similar functionality with different trade-offs. Here are some alternatives to consider:


Instead of using dynamic, you can use object. While dynamic defers type checking until runtime, object is a statically typed construct. However, it allows you to store any type of object, similar to dynamic. The drawback is that you lose the benefits of compile-time type checking, leading to potential runtime errors if not used carefully.

csharpCopy codeobject obj = new ExpandoObject();


ExpandoObject is a class in the System.Dynamic namespace that allows you to add and remove members dynamically at runtime. It provides a way to create objects with arbitrary properties, mimicking the behavior of dynamic.

csharpCopy codedynamic dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject();
dynamicObject.Name = "John";
dynamicObject.Age = 25;

Dictionary<string, object>

Using a dictionary to store properties dynamically is another approach. You can use a dictionary where the keys represent property names and the values represent property values. This approach provides more control over the data structure but may require more verbose syntax.

csharpCopy codevar dynamicObject = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dynamicObject["Name"] = "John";
dynamicObject["Age"] = 25;


Reflection allows you to inspect and manipulate types, properties, and methods at runtime. While powerful, it’s more complex and less performant compared to dynamic or other alternatives. Reflection should be used sparingly due to its overhead and potential for runtime errors.

csharpCopy codevar obj = new SomeClass();
var propertyInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty("PropertyName");
var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj);

Custom Types

If you know the possible shapes of your dynamic data at compile time, consider creating custom types to represent them. This provides strong typing and better compiler support, improving code readability and maintainability.

csharpCopy codepublic class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

var person = new Person { Name = "John", Age = 25 };


C# dynamic objects empower developers with the flexibility to work with data structures dynamically at runtime, unlocking new possibilities in application development. By understanding their usage, advantages, and best practices, developers can harness the power of dynamic typing while ensuring code maintainability and reliability. Whether it’s rapid prototyping, interoperability, or enhanced flexibility, dynamic objects prove to be a valuable addition to the C# developer’s toolkit.

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